Jabbo Juice 

Jabbo Juice 


Jabbo Juice is small veteran-owned and operated sauce business based out of the Central California Area .These exotic sauces are made with fresh vegetables,herbs, spices and preserves depending on the flavor.

Meet The Owner

Christopher ''Jabbo"Bennett, born and raised in Dallas, Texas is a Army Veteran who spends his free-time cooking and sampling different recipes to find specific flavors that would go well with certain meals.Jabbo discovered his love for making sauces when he was stationed in Mannheim,Germany and the base commissary was closed due to bad weather and he needed some bbq sauce to put on his ribs that he previously grilled. The next best option was to look up what ingredients makes a simple sauce, he found a recipe but the outcome was simply ''horrible''.He was very determined to master the art of making a bbq sauce after his horrible experience, so he did further research and continued to add his own style to the samples by looking up the way that the human tongue palet reacts to certain seasonings and vegetables and that one day he created ''The Sauce". His sauces have bent sent all around the U.S. and rumor has it you can taste the love in it and the result being that some of his friends conceived children because of the sauce just plain out ''put them in the mood''. These sauces can also be used as a marinade and some of his customers said they love to place it on top of their pizza as well.Here at Jabbo Juice you will get first class treatment every time and if you don't like it, we will make sure we come to an mutual agreement on sending another flavor to your liking.God Bless and thank you for supporting us.


Christopher Bennett